
“Jesus said, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve'” (Luke 4:8, citing Deutoronomy 6:13)

The most important event every week at St. Alphonsus and St. Joseph is our worship and praise of God. We gather weekly at Holy Eucharist – what popularly is called “Mass” – to acknowledge God as the Creator and Savior of us all. During worship or liturgy, we exalt Almighty God while seeking to humble ourselves. By means of worship or liturgy, we set our sights squarely on God, marveling upon all the good things God has done for us and exclaiming His name alone to be holy.

Please click here to view our weekly Mass Schedule.

As a special devotional opportunity, Holy Half Hour is available 30 minutes before each weekday Mass.  What a great opportunity to come and spend some quiet time with the Lord.  Also, please remember that confessions are being heard during this time as well.

Days of Grace (Days in which the priest is in the confessional all day long) are scheduled during Advent, Lent and August.  Please check the website during those times of the year for exact dates.