Holy Eucharist

Jesus said, “I am the living bread that came down from heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, they will live forever… whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life and… abides in me and I in them” (John 6:51, 54, 56)

One of the seven Sacraments instituted by Jesus, the Holy Eucharist – or more popularly called “Mass” is the source and summit of our Christian faith.

Eucharist means “giving thanks.”  My friends that is exactly what we do every time we gather together as a family of God.  If you wonder what Catholics do, come to the Mass and experience the ritual we have been practicing since Pentecost.  The Mass is divided into two major parts, the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist.  In the Liturgy of the Word we are enlightened by the Word of God which is proclaimed and preached.  In the Liturgy of the Eucharist, gifts of bread and wine that are presented on behalf of the worshipping community, are then consecrated into the Body and Blood of Christ.  These gifts are then received by the faithful gathered as spiritual food for the journey to live out the Word which was earlier proclaimed and preached.  All are invited to come and worship with us.

At St Alphonsus & St Joseph, second-grade children are well-prepared throughout the year to receive Holy Eucharist for the first time during the Easter season.

Adults prepare to receive Holy Eucharist for the first time through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) which is celebrated at the majestic Easter Vigil.

If you are home bound or recovering from surgery and would like to make arrangements for Holy Communion to be brought to your home, please contact the parish office at (419) 465-4142.